Monday, January 12, 2009

The Good Old Days

I was sorting old files in the office, and I came across a pre-employment information form from 1978. Half of the stuff they asked is no longer legal. For example, there is a place to check the applicant's ethnicity, and "American Indian" is on the form, not "Native American." In fact, that question is completely eliminated when considering employment today. (Unless you are applying for a government job, in which case it is okay because the government can get away with anything. I found that out when I applied for a government job that I still haven't heard back from because it takes them eight freaking months to respond [insert bitter, crazed laugh here]). The form also asks for the age and marital status of the person (not as part of tax information) and whether or not the applicant is a Vietnam Veteran. As I read the form, I wondered what an "Alien Registration Card" was and if we still have them. And my personal favorite: asking the future employee if he or she has a "handicap." Those were the good old days.

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