Wednesday, January 16, 2008


I was thinking about something I heard in a feminist seminar: "Women will not truly become women as their own entity unless they cease to be women of men." In the dating world, women are dependent on men for compliments and reassurances about their appearence, their decisions, et cetera. It is almost as if a women needs a man to wave his magic wand and say "I noticed that you were pretty, now you are pretty." A woman who has a sparkle in her eyes does not notice her radiance until a man points it out. It is almost as if the sparkle wasn't there until he came along.

But what about the women who do not date? Are they simply not pretty, smart, or funny? Are they destined to be the duds until a man comes along and declairs them the fairest in the land? I know many such women that are beautiful, radiant, and smart who go unoticed by men. I believe that personal qualities are arbitrary to whether anyone notices them or not.

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