Thursday, June 17, 2010


It's been a crazy couple of weeks. We've gotten a new customer at work, and it's added a lot to the work load. Janelle just did payroll and she had worked one hundred hours in the last two weeks. The sad part is that the first week she only worked 30 hours.

Last week I had to pull over and clean a bird's nest out of our diesel engine that we haven't used in a while. If I had've left it in there, it would have ignited, making it an even worse day. I had cleaned out the dry, leafy branches and there was still quite a bit in there, so I reached my hand down in the crevices of the engine, only to get my hand wet. The top of the nest had been dry, but the bottom of the nest was completely glued together with the bird's waste products. It stank like hell. Then, I went into the gas station bathroom to wash up, and the faucet was broken, and it gushed water all over the front of me.

The best and worst of last week was my dad's heart attack. He was in the middle of nowhere in Wyoming when it happened. Of course, he decided to fix another ATM machine before he sought medical assistance, and he refused to be flown to Idaho Falls, so my mom drove him all the way back home. The great news was that the clot dissolved, and he didn't even need a stent; he just needed to take loads of medication for the next year.

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